Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm   |   (320) 589-4886 Ext 109   |   12 Hwy 28 E. Ste 2, Morris MN 56267

PDTRA Partners Finish Massive Erosion Project

The Grant County SWCD completed a  massive erosion control project a half-mile from the Pomme de Terre River north of Morris in late 2024. The $360,000 project involves a series of 20 water and sediment control basins and two landowners. It draws from Watershed-Based Implementation Fund dollars made available through the Pomme de Terre River Association. WBIF is funded by the Clean Water Fund.

The project mended gullies — some of them 10 feet deep and 25 feet wide — and will contribute to water-quality improvements by reducing runoff of sediment and nutrients into the Pomme de Terre River and connected lakes

A crew from of Red Rock Tiling & Excavating filled a gully with clay from the site before covering it with topsoil. Because of wet conditions this spring, the field was prevent-planted this season. Photo Credit: Ann Wessel, BWSR
Visualization of the gullies caused by erosion through the landowners' fields before the project was installed. US-59 is seen on the right.
Grant County SWCD technician Tim Amundson lent perspective to one of the 20 gullies that will be mended across two Roseville Township fields as part of Watershed-Backed Implementation Fund-supported project with water quality benefits for the Pomme de Terre River. Photo Credit: Ann Wessel, BWSR