Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm   |   (320) 589-4886 Ext 109   |   12 Hwy 28 E. Ste 2, Morris MN 56267

Upper Pomme de Terre River

Upper Pomme de Terre Watershed:

Located within the North Central Hardwood Forest ecoregion, the Upper Pomme de Terre Sub-Watershed has a drainage area of approximately 133 square miles or 85,484 acres. Here, the Pomme de Terre River flows from its headwaters at Stalker Lake.

North Turtle Lake:

North Turtle Lake is a shallow eutrophic (excessively nutrient rich) lake in Otter Tail County that was listed on the 2012 303(d) list of impaired waters for aquatic recreation. These elevated nutrients and other parameter trends show an overall decline in water quality.