Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm   |   (320) 589-4886 Ext 109   |   12 Hwy 28 E. Ste 2, Morris MN 56267

One Watershed, One Plan

The Pomme de Terre River Association’s Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan was approved by the Board of Water and Soil Resources on August 26, 2020. The goal of the CWMP is to develop a systematic, watershed-wide, science-based approach to watershed management. The Pomme de Terre River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan is available at the links below.  

Pomme de Terre River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan

CWMP Executive Summary


CWMP Appendices

News and Updates

08/26/2020 – The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources approved the Pomme de Terre River Association’s Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. 

02/3/2020 –  The Pomme de Terre River Association’s Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan (CWMP) is currently in a 60-day formal review period. During this time, any involved agencies, boards, townships, counties, and citizens are invited to read and comment on the plan. Public hearings will be held on March 4 at Old No. 1 in Morris at 5:00 pm, and on March 10 at the Dalton Community Center at 5:00 pm. The public is welcome to attend.

01/01/2019 – The Pomme de Terre Watershed Planning Committee has moved into developing the implementation plan and schedule that will detail timed activities and measurable goals for One Watershed One Plan. Later in the year public hearings will be held for plan review.

01/01/2018 – By the end of 2017 the Pomme de Terre Watershed completed 4 Planning Committee meetings, 2 Citizen Advisory Committee meetings, and 2 Public meetings involving interactive education and discussion. Moving into 2018, the Pomme de Terre has moved into the Planning stage of 1W1P where committees will analysis and prioritize issues and establish goals for the watershed. All meeting minutes and summaries to date have been posted.

10/2/2017Local Waters Conversations & Open House! (Link). Join us on October 23rd or October 26th, 2017 for our public Local Waters Conversations & Open House event! Learn more about One Watershed, One Plan and help provide public input that will help us create our implementation plan! Check out the flyer (Link above) for more information

9/19/2017 – Take Our Survey! (CLOSED -1/1/2018) . An important piece of the One Watershed, One Plan planning process is public input on our water resources. Our survey takes about 15 – 20 minutes and is anonymous. Take our survey online by clicking the link above or a physical copy can be printed and mailed at the link HERE.

7/12/2017The Pomme de Terre Watershed planning area held their first Planning Committee meeting. 60-day Comment period has ended and responses can be found under “Plan Notification Comments”

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee made up of local SWCDs, county representatives, and state agency representatives. Their purpose is to make recommendations on the plan contents and plan Implementation to the Policy Committee. The Planning Committee will meet once a month on the first Wednesday of each month throughout the planning process.


Citizens Advisory Committee & Public Meetings

The Pomme de Terre Watershed is adding two citizen advisory committees to the One Watershed, One Plan planning process. A North committee (West Otter Tail, Grant, and Douglas) and South committee (Stevens, Swift, and Big Stone) will consist of representatives from Agriculture, Sportsman Clubs, City, townships, Lake organizations, and at-large members across the watershed planning area. PdTRA will also host public meetings throughout the planning process to gain input from local community members.


Policy Committee

The Policy Committee is made up of SWCD supervisors and County Commissioners with the Pomme de Terre Watershed Boundaries, these same members serve as the Joint Powers Board of the Pomme de Terre River Association. Their purposes is to make final decisions about the content of the plan and its submittal and regarding expenditure of funds allocated for plan development. The Policy Committee will meet on the second Friday of each month throughout plan development.


see Board Meetings