Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm   |   (320) 589-4886 Ext 109   |   12 Hwy 28 E. Ste 2, Morris MN 56267

Drywood Creek

*Zoom in and out on map to see details of points of interest
  • HgF – Mercury
  • F-IBI – Fish Index of Biological Integrity
  • M-IBI – Macro-invertebrate Index of Biological Integrity
  • DO – Dissolved Oxygen
  • T – Temperature
  • FC – Fecal coliform

Drywood Creek Watershed

The Drywood Creek sub-watershed, in the southwestern portion of the Pomme de Terre watershed, contains a lot of open space, several lakes, and many wetlands. The main land use here is agricultural and pasture. Though no lake assessments have been made beyond the statewide mercury TDML, the Drywood area will probably be listed as impaired following future sampling efforts. Due to a number of stressors that affect the water quality within this area, the Drywood Creek watershed could be contributing greatly to impairments downstream.

Drywood Creek:

Drywood Creek is listed as impaired for several parameters including E. coli, turbidity, low dissolved oxygen, and both fish and macroinvertebrate biology, probably due to high nitrate levels, altered hydrology, and low habitat scores.