The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MNPCA) has finished a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) and a Watershed Restoration and Production Strategy Report (WRAPS) for the Pomme de Terre Watershed. The WRAPS report brings together 10 years of water quality monitoring, follow-up assessment, stressor identification and planning. The TMDL report calculates the maximum possible total phosphorus, total...Read More
POSITION FILLED – 3/3/2017 PDTRA is now looking to hire a seasonal field technician to collect water quality data in the Pomme de Terre Watershed for the 2017 field season! The Water Quality Monitoring Technician for the Pomme de Terre River Association (PDTRA) is a seasonal field position (late March – late September). The technician...Read More
Monitoring the quality of water within our natural river system is very important in determining whether the water is suitable for fishing, swimming, and biological life. In 2014, the river association received a Federal 319 grant to collect water samples, during the 2016 and 2017 field seasons, on Pelican Creek (160th St.), Muddy Creek (490th...Read More