Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm   |   (320) 589-4886 Ext 109   |   12 Hwy 28 E. Ste 2, Morris MN 56267

Monitoring the quality of water within our natural river system is very important in determining whether the water is suitable for fishing, swimming, and biological life. In 2014, the river association received a Federal 319 grant to collect water samples, during the 2016 and 2017 field seasons, on Pelican Creek (160th St.), Muddy Creek (490th St.), Drywood Creek (200th Ave. NW), and the Pomme de Terre River (N Munstrerman St.). The goal is to observe the preliminary effects that these tributaries have on the main stem of the Pomme de Terre River and aid in the listing and delisting of these streams on the EPA’s impaired waters list.

When sampling, we gather field data on dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, temperature, and transparency. We also collect and send water samples to a certified lab that assesses the water for E. coli, nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorous, total suspended solids, and chloride.

In the near future, this information will help the Pomme de Terre River Watershed transition into the second round of the Watershed Approach, scheduled to start in 2017. During that time, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Department of Natural Resources will perform assessments on macro invertebrates and fishes at designated sites throughout the watershed.

To learn more about water quality monitoring in the Pomme de Terre River Watershed please contact the Pomme de Terre River Associations project coordinator.


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